NIP'AJIN is a free pen'n'paper role playing ruleset, designed for playing short campaigns or one-shots. It is pronounced nip-a-dshin and an acronym for a German phrase, that translates to Nobody is perfect, but everybody can contribute.
NIP’AJIN fits on 4 pages. The system uses 5 dice (d4 to d12) that get exhausted after use. Only after all your dice got exhausted, they get available again. This forces characters to show weakness, as they do not always have good (larger) dice available. NIP’AJIN ...
- is free,
- does not need much preparation,
- distributes spotlight between characters,
- provides (meta)tactics due the dice system,
- is designed for one-shots and short campaigns, and
- allows use in own works due a Creative Commons license.
NIP'AJIN Shots are very short scenarios. They are designed to be played in 1 to 2 hours with little or no preparation.
Author's Kit
NIP'AJIN is typeset in LaTeX. All necessary files can be found on GitHub. If you want to write your own RPG or scenario, this can be your starting point. Also, if you would like to help translate NIP'AJIN into more languages, there you will find all you need.
Please remember: the rules are unter a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license, so if you build upon them, you need to release your content under that license, too!